Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Winter of Our Discontent

It's cold.  Not that bone chilling snap that hurts your lungs when you breathe, but more that damp, wet, clinging chill that sinks into your bones and even when you are warm, you feel the lingering presence of it on your skin.    I have wasted too much time avoiding the city, procrastinating simply because I hate the place, but it's time.  I can smell the snow on the salt winds.  It's coming, and it's going to be a big one.  If I want that axe and those knives, I will need to go to Delmarii.   I will need the wood, I will need the skins, if I don't go now its a long, cold winter ahead for me.

I travel light and move fast, moving at a decent clip to keep ahead of the predators that prowl the area.  Had I possessed more time I might have taken my time and cleared a swath through the center of the forest.  That was not an option however and so I let the hunt lie for now and moved towards the city, each step building a little ball of tension in my chest and deepening the scowl on my face. 

There is one small consolation in this trip, I will be stopping by to visit an old friend.  It's been months since I have seen him and I find when I am overwhelmed by the solitude of my existence, it is him that brings pleasant memories and unseen smiles.  Admittedly there is a certain longing to be once again listening to his confusing, outrageous stories and having him drag me into some ridiculous situation where I have to knock a guard on his ass and we have to high tail it off the streets.   He just can't seem to stay put or stay out of trouble, and yes, granted, it takes about two days of him before I remember why I like living alone, but for the moment, I was looking forward to seeing him.

I suppose I should not have been surprised when I walked up to the southern gate of that miserable stone cage and low and behold, guess who's face is plastered up there, plain as day in the form of a 'Wanted' poster.   My hood is up and I am covered, gloves, scarf, hood, layers of gear and right now as I stand there staring at his face and the thousand coin price tag on his head, I look like everyone else.  That's good because it looks like I might have to linger awhile.  I however do not linger long at the gate, the soldiers there tend to be nosy pricks, and if I get into an altercation there, I do not get in today.  That is motivation enough to spur me on past the wanted poster and into the bustling streets of Delmarii Bastion. 

The stink of the place hits me like a warm, putrid breeze and for a moment I am overwhelmed, nearly retching with it.   I do not understand how these people can stand it, going about their business like they don't even notice.  I keep my scarf up for more reasons than one as I make my way deeper into the city.  I immediately turn west inside the gate, choosing the less offensive path of the residential area at the south end of the city, and skirting the outer wall.  I deliberately enter after dark and keep moving, most of those who do spot me, pay no attention to my presence, likely occupied with their warmer, friendlier destinations.

The neighbourhood begins to degrade as I head north and as I pass the Grassland Gates, the difference is immediate.  The stone and brick homes are replaced with ramshackle, one room sheds that act as shelter for those who can not afford better.  It is here where the smell is the worst, but it is here that I must go.  It takes the better part of an hour, my pace never slowing, my path unfailing, only pausing now and then long enough to make sure there is no one on my tail.

As I round a familiar corner, I spy the oddly out of place building that dominates this end of town, a massive log structure that always has a light on and a fire burning in the hearth.  It is a relief to see it there, and for a moment it feels like coming home somehow.  I scan around one more time before stepping through the door, and I immediately spy a familiar scowl behind the bar, and it brings a grin to my lips beneath my scarf.   It's good to see that grouch is still here scaring away the customers.  Some things never change.  I cross the room, and pause at the bar, drawing the man's attention.  He approaches and his scowl makes me smile.  I drop my scarf and ask him one question, and wait for his reply...

"Where is he Sully?"