Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Problem With House Guests

I kneel over the small fire stirring it to life, bringing light and warm into my humble shelter.  I look down at the small pup who had immediately put his nose to the ground and began to investigate his new surroundings the moment his little paws hit the dirt floor.  It was a long trip for him and we were both soaked to the skin, but the little guy held up pretty good all things considered.   At the moment that thought entered my head however, he decided to mark this new place as his own and I growl at him as he promptly lifts his leg and invokes my displeasure.

Snatching the little bugger up in midstream, I promptly toss his ungrateful little ass into the cold rain beyond the green curtain that divides the weather from the warmth.  I go back to the business of unpacking, setting everything back in its place,  "you don't own shit here mister" I mutter under my breath, unwrapping my soggy bedroll, sighing, "looks like I sleep in fur tonight".  It is then I hear a pathetic, rather apologetic whine as a certain, uppity pup sticks his nose back through the opening, and I stop and eyeball him straight on.  This immediately causes him to freeze and cower, and I resist the urge to smile at him, damn he had his moments..and I recall thinking,  'I hate cute, there is simply no defense'.

"Alright you presumptuous little shit, let's get something straight right now" I inform the little pup sternly, though somewhere after the first word, he had already invited himself back in and was waddling his way towards me.  " MY house" I tell him, and even as I speak I know he will likely be chewing on my boots before morning.  I sigh as he noses his way under a small woven shelf in the corner and upsets my tools with a clatter, sending a rain of iron and steel projectiles down around him.  "Zalon...where the hell are you?" I grumble to myself, looking at the little pest worm his way through my belongings and I sigh, "It's not like I could leave you there" I mutter aloud, "every child deserves someone looking out for it, even mutts like us".

I wonder exactly what had led to me finding the dog in the first place.  He was locked up in that room, for days it seemed like.  It certainly smelled that way.   He had no food or water, and the adorable little pain in the ass was incredibly happy to see me.  What can I say...I'm a dog person.  I scooped him up, and set out to find Seb, or Zalon, or someone to take care of him, then I was getting the hell out of the city.  Problem was, I couldn't find anything of the sort, what I did get, was a pretty convincing threat from Sully to turn him to soup if I left him behind.  So, here he is, roaming all over what few things I have and somehow, I feel the comfort of his being here.  I wasn't alone.

After I had set everything in place, I spent a few minutes preparing a meal for my guest and myself, and it did not take all that long.  Luckily for me, my new friend and I have the same tastes when it comes to dinner.  When both our bellies were full, and I had properly educated him on where he was to take care of business, we settled down by the fire.  He was more than content to cuddle in next to me, seeming to understand it was time to do just that. 

"Well, if you are staying for awhile, I best figure out what to call you..." and a few names immediately starting racing through my brain and for a moment, I did not know why I knew them.  I watch as the little pup starts chewing on the furs we lay on, and I shake my head, "" I chastise, my tone sharp but still quiet.  He seems to get the message and I nod, "he was a pain in the ass too" I explain to the little bundle of fur.

I know I have to take him back, but there is no sense in hanging out in the city in hiding with this nuisance, when even being seen with Sebastion right now can mean jail time.  We will lie low for a while, Seb would get that, then turn up in a week or two when things have calmed down.  In the mean time, I think I will educate this little man about manners.  It is on that thought that I drift off to sleep, oblivious of what was coming.  Thinking back, had I known what was about to happen, no one would have been sleeping that night.

I take a moment or two and shift into a more comfortable state of self and sigh again. My little companion is at first, quite put out by efforts, but is soon once more curled up against me, his eyes closing quickly. I curl up around him protectively, and feel his little heartbeat near me and feel grateful for his presence. 

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